Brazil: Immigration Impacts on Labor Market

Brazil has been open to immigrants and although the country has had its downfalls in the resources that they provide new migrants, but they do make an effort to remove obstacles to finding work. The Migration Law is the law that allows for migrants to obtain social security access. Their motivation for increasing access toContinue reading “Brazil: Immigration Impacts on Labor Market”

Refugee Policy in Brazil

Political Aspects of Refugee Policy Catholic institutions and NGOs have been impactful in the advancement of refugee policy in Brazil. With a large immigrant population, Brazil has been more tolerant towards that population. The government is not as passionate about immigrant and refugee policy, but other organizations push for legislation to pass. “In a 2015Continue reading “Refugee Policy in Brazil”

Migration in Brazil

Migration Stats In 2019, Brazil had a total of 807,000 migrants in the country. The net migration from 2014 to 2019, which is immigration minus emigration, was 106,000 people. The share of migrants that were 19 years old and younger residing in Brazil in 2019 was 15.9 percent and the share of migrants 65 yearsContinue reading “Migration in Brazil”

Mercosur and Brazil

This blog post will explain: What is Mercosur? Who is a part of Mercosur? What are the benefits of Mercosur? What is the status of Mercosur in 2020? What is Mercosur? What is it also called? Mercosur is a regional trade agreement in South America, which is also known as the Southern Common Market. HowContinue reading “Mercosur and Brazil”

Outsourcing in Brazil

Brazil has had an outsourcing epidemic, where they are outsourcing in large quantities and it is affecting worker’s health and violating human rights. Outsourcing began with outsourcing jobs in production to aid in the farming industry, and quickly after in the early 1990s it spread to almost all sectors. In 2004, there was a billContinue reading “Outsourcing in Brazil”

Brazil’s Comparative Advantage

By far, the agricultural sector produces the most exports in Brazil. This has been the case since 1996, and the agricultural industry has grown at a faster rate than any other industry in Brazil. In comparison, China has a wider range of exports, but they do export more electronics to Brazil than any other productContinue reading “Brazil’s Comparative Advantage”

Brazil and the Soya Beans

Since 1996, the agriculture industry has dominated Brazil’s exports. In 2018, the product that composes the most percentage of the exports in Brazil are soya beans with 11.71 percent of all exports. The country that Brazil trades with most is China. 40.90 percent of the soya bean exports coming from Brazil are sent to ChinaContinue reading “Brazil and the Soya Beans”

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