France’s Tariff on Wine

As one of the largest wine producers across the globe, of course France imposes a tariff on their specialty wine. This is a way for the French government to make money on sell and receiving wine to and from other countries, but it has also caused quite a stir in other countries for them.

In France’s relationship the the US regarding wine-tariffs, the US allows in French wine “virtually tariff-free.” On the other hand, France puts a heavy tariff on US wine, causing a rift between the two countries. This issue has caused current President Trump to take it to Twitter about the differences in how wine in received in these two countries.

French wine on display for sale at a Los Angeles, California market.

According to France 24, it’s true that France does put a hefty tariff on US wine. Although true, this conception by President Trump still has its flaws. France is not ripping off the US with tariffs. US customers and wine drinkers are able to have higher quality wine from France, maybe at a higher cost than US-made wine, but quality comes with a cost. Heavier tariffs on US wine allows French drinkers to sample more foreign wine at a more inexpensive and affordable price.

Wine from all over the world is tasteful and many countries make great wine, but this is a category France is well known for. If French wine is regarded in high standards, I believe it’s a smart market play on France’s part to put a tariff on their sought-after wine.

3 thoughts on “France’s Tariff on Wine

  1. It was interesting for me to read the part you wrote about when there are heavy tariffs on wine then the French can try new types of wine from the US at a lower cost. I would think that it will still be pricey regardless of low or high tariffs put into place. I also agree that imposing tariffs on a highly demanded product is a good idea and for sure makes sense!


  2. It isn’t surprising to me that France has such a high tariff on wine. This is a good idea; like you said in your post, the quality is much higher than wine produced in the US, so it is worth the higher price. Great post! I found it very interesting and informative!


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